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the line. the line. THE LINE.


Trapezi / Trapeze

6:30 min (work in progress of a 20 min. act)


ME. That is me. 

Going out of the line. Deconstructing it. Destroying it. 

The limits. The sistem.



The inspiration to create this act comes from the lines, the line. We are surrounded by straight lines that create structures. Spaces. I am really interested by this space inside this lines. This emtiness from where you can start to create and construct new fullness.

I look at the trapeze and I see lines, a geometric figure.


A trapeze. A black stage. These white lines; always hanging.

I love lines. I love limits.

I love to see them. To be consious of them. To form part of them.

Because I adore to go out of them.

I love lines on a white paper.

I love just the trapeze, hanging. With anybody.



The concept of this act became a text writen by Núria Farrés and myself, which is the sound of the performance.


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